Submitting your article
How to submit your paper to an F1000 publishing venue
So, you’ve written your manuscript and have chosen the right F1000 publishing venue for your research. What should you do next?
Before heading to your chosen venue’s submission system, ensure you are up-to-date with all the relevant requirements. Read on for essential information to help guide you through the whole article submission process, from preparing your submission to using the submission system of your chosen publishing venue. Please note that individual venues may have additional requirements, so always check the guidelines for your chosen publishing venue.
How to pass F1000 pre-publication checks
Fill in the below form for tips from our Editorial team to ensure your research is published without delay.
How to get ready to submit your paper
Make sure all statements and documents are written in good English
Your manuscript and abstract, together with any other supporting statements and documents, must be written in good English. The language quality should not impede the readability, flow, and understanding of the research.
Read the article guidelines
You will need to choose the correct article type for your research and fully understand its specific requirements. To ensure your manuscript meets the requirements for your chosen article type, check your chosen publishing venue’s article guidelines on the website.
Ensure you meet the F1000 open data policy
The F1000 open data policy requires authors to share all data underpinning their research in a repository and apply an open license. Plus, authors need to write a data availability statement explaining where the data can be found.
You can find out what type of data you need to include, where the data can be stored, and how it should be presented by reading your chosen publishing venue’s data guidelines.
Identify any competing interests to disclose
You must include a ‘Competing interests’ statement, providing full transparency for reviewers and readers. If there are no competing interests to declare, the following standard statement is added: ‘No competing interests were disclosed’.
Register for an ORCID iD
An ORCID iD is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and makes it easier for you to get credit for your work. An ORCID iD is free and takes only a few seconds to create. You can connect your ORCID iD to your online submission.
Submitting your paper for publication
Start a submission on your chosen publishing venue
To submit your paper, go to the website of your chosen publishing venue and select ‘SUBMIT YOUR RESEARCH’. Then click ‘SUBMIT A NEW ARTICLE’ and log in or create a new account. After connecting your ORCID iD to your manuscript, complete the quick and easy online form.
Fill in all article-related information
First, select the F1000 article type you have used for your research. Then add your research paper and upload your article abstract. You should choose your article type and include relevant keywords to further increase the discoverability of your work.
List all relevant stakeholders
If you have written the paper in collaboration with other researchers, credit all authors and co-authors and state their article contributions. List any affiliations and (if applicable) enter the names of your funding bodies and grant numbers. All authors must meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship.
Share all relevant files and where your data is stored
Upload all relevant files, such as your manuscript, figure files, and cover letter. If you have shared your data openly in a repository, please supply the details for each dataset. If none of your data can be shared or you did not use any data, you need to specify why you can’t provide details about it.
Provide additional information
Finally, you will be asked to provide additional information, including payment information, competing interests, and if you’d like to submit to a specific Gateway or Collection. You can also leave a note for the Editorial Team. To complete your submission, confirm that the declarations are correct and click ‘SUBMIT’.
You’ve submitted!
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