Article versioning
Keep your research up-to-date and implement reviewer suggestions with article versioning
At F1000, all our articles are ‘living,’ meaning that authors can submit a new version of their article, in response to reviewers’ comments or if there have been small developments relevant to the initial findings.
Article versioning helps to ensure that articles are always up-to-date and can be improved based on reviewer feedback.
There are two types of article versions at F1000. New versions of an article fall under one of two categories:
A ‘Revised’ version is a new edition of the article that usually incorporates changes in response to reviewer feedback. Typically, this occurs in order to achieve an ‘Approved’ peer review status.
An ‘Update’ is a new version where you can add small developments relevant to the research discussed in that article. Typically, this occurs after the article is indexed and/or open peer review is complete.
Keep reading to learn what to consider when submitting a new version of your article.
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How to submit a new version
You can submit a new version of your manuscript after your initial version has been published on an F1000 publishing venue. There is no limit on how many times you can submit a revised article version.
Only the original author can submit a new version of a published article. The process for submitting a new version to an F1000 publishing venue is as follows:
Step one
Log in and click on the ‘My Account’ tab, then click ‘Submissions’. Your article will be listed under the ‘Published’ tab.
Step two
Download a copy of the final published version of your article in either DOC or RFT format. This ensures any minor changes made by our Editorial team during production are captured.
Step four
Once you have added your revisions, return to the ‘Published’ tab and select ‘Submit new version’.
More InformationHow to version your article
All F1000 publishing venues have guidelines that provide guidance on how to version your article. For example, the F1000Research Article Guidelines cover the following topics:
To change an author list, you will need to add a note to our Editorial team on the new version submission form to let them know why the changes are being made. You should also include the email address, affiliation(s), and CRediT roles of any new authors. If the author list changes, authors on both the old and new versions of an article will be contacted, and all authors must confirm they accept these changes before a new version can be published.
If revisions are being made to the abstract, you should mark these edits on both the new version submission form and within the uploaded revised/updated manuscript. Abstracts should be up to 300 words long, with any abbreviations spelled out and no citations included.
Figures and tables
Existing tables can be edited within the revised/updated manuscript or replacement tables can be uploaded as separate files alongside any new tables on the new version submission form – these will be added to the new version when the PDF proof is prepared. All figures and tables must be cited and discussed in the article text, and their titles and legends should be provided in the revised/updated manuscript.
Data and software availability
If your article contains data or source code that has been deposited in a repository (e.g. GitHub, Zenodo, Figshare), please ensure the repository is up to date and reflects the revisions made in the new version of the article. Most repositories support versioning and will allow you to deposit the updated data or code. A new DOI should also be obtained for the updated version of the repository entry.
Supplementary material
Under our updated data policies, we no longer host supplementary material that comes with a new version. Instead, we ask that these be deposited in an approved repository and included in the article’s Data Availability section as ‘Extended data’.
References and bibliography
You must remove any references that are no longer needed from the revised/updated manuscript and delete their in-text citations. To add new references, you will need to include them at the end of the current reference list and cite them in the main text where needed. The reference list will be set to the correct order during the typesetting process.
Update text
When submitting a new version, you will need to provide some Update Text (300 words max). This text will be displayed beneath the abstract of your new version and should highlight what you have changed. It must contain specific information detailing all revisions made, including changes to the text, new or revised/updated figures, updates to the author list, and additional data or code.
Responses to peer review reports
To upload responses to peer review reports, visit the article page and click ‘Read’ under the Reviewer Report in the Open Peer Review box on the right-hand side of the article. Click ‘Respond to this report’ at the end of the report to upload your response. Please be aware that responses to review reports will be published alongside the new version of your article.
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