Japan Institutional Gateway is the world’s first dual language (English/Japanese) open research publishing venue founded and supported by the University of Tsukuba.
Saitama University and University of Toyama have signed up as affiliates of F1000’s Japan Institutional Gateway (JIG), following the lead of the University of Tsukuba. These agreements enable researchers from these affiliated institutions to publish on JIG. These two new affiliates join Tokai University, Tsukuba University of Technology and Utsunomiya University, all of whom affiliated in 2022.
JIG was launched with the support of the University of Tsukuba in August 2022, allowing researchers from across the university to publish rapidly and with full transparency. Research in all subject areas can be published on the Gateway, and researchers in humanities and social sciences can choose to publish their articles in Japanese or English, showcasing their work in a Scopus-indexed, international publishing venue in the language that best befits their work.
A founding principle of JIG is to increase the visibility of research written in Japanese across the globe. This principle is reflected in both Saitama University and the University of Toyama’s long-standing strategies and programs that foster international collaboration and promote their students and research globally.
The Gateway combines the benefits of rapid publication (enabled by post-publication peer review) with mechanisms to assure quality and transparency; rigorous pre-publication checks, open peer review, archiving and indexing.
All outputs published on JIG have open licenses, ensuring free access, and maximizing the opportunity for use and re-use. This publishing model is also used on the customized publishing Platforms that F1000 provides for major global funders such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the European Commission.
Rebecca Lawrence, F1000’s Managing Director, commented:
“It is extremely encouraging to see yet more expansion of the Japan Institutional Gateway just a year on from when the Gateway launched. We are delighted to welcome both Saitama University and the University of Toyama to the JIG family. Both universities are clearly progressive and collaborative, providing their researchers with an open, indexed, dual language publishing option that will promote their research to an international audience.
Prof Hideki Kurokawa, the Vice Chancellor of Saitama University, stated:
“We decided to participate into JIG to advance open science and to broaden the range of publishing venues for our researchers. It is our expectation that it will assist researchers from various disciplines in publishing their findings.”
Prof Masayuki Ikeda, Executive Vice President at University of Toyama, said:
“This new platform covers broad aspects of academic researches and enables open access publications even in the field outside the scientific community. Attractive!”
F1000 are currently seeking to grow the JIG affiliation program, and we welcome expressions of interest from Japanese research institutions.
For more information about the JIG affiliation program please contact partnerships@f1000.com
About F1000
F1000 provides innovative open access publishing Platforms offering rapid publication and open peer review, whilst supporting data deposition and sharing for the research community. F1000’s own publishing Platform, F1000Research, was launched in 2013 and was the first open research publishing Platform combining the ability to publish rapidly with functionality to ensure transparency, robustness and reproducibility of research. Building upon the growth and success of its core Platform, F1000 also provides fully managed, open research publishing services directly to research funders and institutions, including Wellcome, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the European Commission. F1000 Research Ltd is wholly owned by the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Group company.
Website: www.f1000.com Twitter: @F1000
About the University of Tsukuba
The University of Tsukuba was originally founded as a Normal School in 1872, becoming the first institution of higher education in Japan. In 1973, it was relocated from Tokyo to Tsukuba Science City and re-born as a new concept university. Taking full advantage of being at the heart of Japan’s premier science city, the university has developed innovative systems in research, education and management. Over the years, it has flourished as one of Japan’s top research universities in diverse fields such as the humanities, social sciences, natural and life sciences, engineering, medicine, sports sciences, arts and design; boasting Nobel laureates, Olympic and Paralympic medalists as well as successful entrepreneurs amongst its faculty and graduates.
Website: http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/en/
About Saitama University
In 1949, the former Urawa High School, Saitama Normal School, and Saitama Youth Normal School were integrated into Saitama University—a national university under the new education system. Now, more than 70 years since its establishment, the university boasts the five faculties of Liberal Arts, Economics, Education, Science, and Engineering, the three graduate schools of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education, and Science and Engineering, and a total enrollment capacity of 2,200 students. Those seven decades have also seen the university produce more than 90,000 graduates, who have made their marks in a diversity of social sectors, generating new knowledge and fostering the progress of both Japan and the world.
Website: https://en.saitama-u.ac.jp/
About University of Toyama
The University of Toyama is a university comprised of 3 former national universities; Toyama University (founded in 1949), Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University (founded in 1975) and Takaoka National College (founded in 1983) were integrated in October 2005. This integrated university houses 9 schools, 8 graduate schools, the University Laboratory, Hospital, and Library, and such as the Organization for International Education and Exchange. There are approximately 9,300 students (including 300 international students) studying at the university.
Website: https://www.u-toyama.ac.jp/en/
F1000 Japan Institutional Gateway に埼玉大学と富山大学が参加
Japan Institutional Gateway は 筑波大学がサポートする世界初の2か国語に対応したオープンリサーチ出版ゲートウェイです。研究者は英語もしくは日本語で出版可能です。
この度、東海大学、筑波技術大学、宇都宮大学に続き、埼玉大学と富山大学が F1000 Japan Institutional Gateway (JIG)に提携機関として加盟しました。この協定により、提携機関に所属する研究者はJapan Institutional Gateway に論文投稿・出版が可能となります。新しい2つの提携機関の参加は、世界初の2か国語オープンリサーチ出版ゲートウェイの可能性を大きく拡大するもので、今後も成長を続けていくことが見込まれます。
JIGは、2022年8月に筑波大学のサポートにより開始され、提携機関に所属する研究者は迅速かつ透明性の高い研究成果の公開が可能となりました。日本におけるオープンリサーチの導入を促進するために、日本の大学及び研究機関からJIG 提携プログラムへの参加を希望する機関を募り、随時申し込みを受け付けています。JIG では全ての分野での論文発表が可能です。また人文・社会科学分野の研究者は、日本語または英語での論文発表を選択することができ、Scopus にも収載される国際的な出版ゲートウェイで各研究に最も適した言語で研究成果を発表することができます。
JIG で公開されるすべての研究成果にはオープンライセンスが付与され、自由なアクセスを保証しつつ研究の利用・再利用の可能性を最大限に引き出します。この出版モデルは、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカム・トラスト、欧州委員会のHorizon 2020およびHorizon Europeプログラムなど、世界の主要な資金提供団体にF1000が提供している、カスタマイズされた出版プラットフォームにも採用されています。
F1000のマネージング・ディレクターであるRebecca Lawrence は、次のようにコメントしています。
「Japan Institutional Gatewayの運営が開始されてからたった一年で、更に規模が拡大していることを、とても励みに感じています。埼玉大学と富山大学が新たに加盟することは、大変喜ばしいことです。両大学とも、所属している研究者に対して、日本語と英語どちらでもオープンかつデータベースに収載される論文の出版をサポートし、出版された論文を国際的に共有できるよう促進していることは明確です。」
「JIG Affiliate(提携)プログラム」の詳細については、partnerships@f1000.com までお問い合わせください。
F1000 は、革新的なオープンアクセス出版プラットフォームを提供し、迅速な出版と公開査読を実現するとともに、研究コミュニティのためのデータ蓄積と共有をサポートしています。F1000の出版プラットフォームであるF1000Research は、2013年に開設され、迅速な出版能力と研究の透明性、堅牢性、再現性を保証する機能を兼ね備えた初のオープンリサーチ出版プラットフォームです。F1000は、その中核となるプラットフォームの成長と成功に基づき、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウェルカム・トラスト、そして欧州委員会を含む研究助成機関や組織に対して、十分に管理されたオープンリサーチ出版サービスを直接提供しています。F1000は、インフォーマグループのTaylor & Francis Groupが100%出資しています。
ホームページ: www.f1000.com Twitter: @F1000