Collections from F1000: Compilations of related research


Collections are compilations of related research on F1000Research and other eligible F1000 Platforms. They are pages enabling the curation of thematic research, conference outputs, and community projects across all disciplines.

While Gateways provide broad-scope, personalized research spaces for organizations and research communities, Collections focus on more specific research areas.


Encourage new lines of research in your field and become an advocate for open research.

We partner with researchers across all disciplines to create Collections. As a Guest Advisor, you can work alongside a Content Acquisition Editor at F1000 to lead the scope of a new Collection.

Explore a researcher-led Collection


Promote the value of open research and help your community make an impact.

Institutional Collections bring together content published by authors affiliated with academic and research institutions partnered with F1000Research or one of our F1000 partner Platforms.

Explore an institutional Collection


Raise the profile of your members’ open access research through a dedicated Collection.

Collections for learned societies and expert communities highlight valuable research outputs no matter the form they take. We welcome Research Articles and non-traditional research outputs.

Explore a society Collection

How it works

Key features

Benefits of creating or publishing in a Collection include:

  • Bringing together new perspectives on underexplored themes
  • Encouraging new lines of research and developing new approaches in your field
  • Rapid, open publication of research findings that are submitted by a given deadline
  • Research outputs that have increased cumulative impact and discoverability as a group
  • Reducing research waste by publishing non-traditional article types with unique DOIs
  • Publication of conference proceedings and documents
  • Immediate indexing in a wide range of major bibliographic databases, including PubMed and Scopus, once an article has passed peer review

Collections are hosted and powered by F1000 technology and editorial services, from submission to indexing. We offer:

  • Rigorous pre-publication checks based on research quality, not novelty
  • Customization of the Collection to reflect your organization’s identity
  • Management of transparent, post-publication peer review
  • User commenting to facilitate active discussion from the broader research community
  • Production and typesetting management
  • APC billing and collection
  • Account management to support the development of your Collection

Lead a Collection as a Guest Advisor

Active researchers can partner with F1000 to lead on creating a new Collection as a Guest Advisor. Guest Advisors should be advocates of open research, have an extensive research network, and be thought leaders in their field.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Defining the aims and scope of the Collection
  • Providing a compelling title and description
  • Suggesting potential authors for the Collection
  • Promoting the Collection within their networks
  • Working with our marketing team to provide insight for promotional materials  

Guest Advisors work alongside a Content Acquisition Editor at F1000, who will be responsible for setting up the Collection online, sending out invitations, and providing guidance on the scope and marketing of their collection.

Create a new Collection with F1000

Complete the form below to discuss creating a new Collection with F1000. Someone from our Content Acquisition Team will be in touch.


Explore F1000Research Collections

See our existing institutional and researcher-led Collections. Explore


Why F1000?

Transparency, reproducibility, and editorial rigor are the core of our model. Learn why


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Let’s discuss how to meet your organization’s publishing goals. Book a consultation